“Fire cannot kill a dragon.”
“Brave men didn’t kill dragons. The brave men rode them.”
I think it's looking at me wrong...
"This time, the princess will be MINE, you fools!"
"If You Can Steal An Idea, Why Can't You Plant One There Instead?"
“Dreams feel real while we're in them. It's only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange.”
Don't get your fingers anywhere near it!
I would hate to see the size toothbrush this thing uses...
“Yes. Because I’m a tinker. It’s who I am. And tinkers fix things.”
“Laughter is timeless. Imagination has no age. Dreams are forever.”
Don't let the orange glow too close!
I think someone had too much time on their hands...
I think he sparkles in the light...
"This Is The Skin Of A Killer, Bella!"
Lil J's first carved pumpkin!
I am worried about what he sees!
Let's hope she doesn't notice you!
“I put a spell on you! And now you're mine!”